Sugar disrupts microbiome, eliminates protection against obesity and diabetes

A study of mice found that dietary sugar alters the gut microbiome, setting off a chain…

Reintroducing bison to grasslands increases plant diversity, drought resilience, study finds

A Kansas State University-led study has found that reintroducing bison—a formerly dominant grazer—doubles plant diversity in…

Physicists uncover new dynamical framework for turbulence

Turbulence plays a key role in our daily lives, making for bumpy plane rides, affecting weather…

Getting to the bottom of the Arctic sea ice decline: Profiling meltwater distributions to strengthen sea ice predictions

Sea ice levels in the Arctic Ocean are rapidly declining, thanks to global warming. Now, to…

Scientists discover a new mechanism for bacterial polysaccharide export

In Gram-negative bacteria, which include some of the most devastating human pathogens, just two mechanisms for…

When immersed in sexual harassment, workers can't identify it

People who work in industries with high levels of sexual harassment—including hospitality, retail, manufacturing and information—have…

Lithuanians develop a takeaway food package that's entirely plastic-free

Takeaway food has become an integral part of our lives. However, despite the convenience of such…

Inside the head of one of Australia's smallest fossil crocs

Approximately 13.5 million years ago, north-west Queensland was home to an unusual and particularly tiny species…

Awareness, not mandatory GMO labels, shifts consumer preference

Six years ago, the state of Vermont passed what turned out to be a short-lived law…

Tens of millions battle Pakistan floods as death toll rises

Tens of millions of people across Pakistan were Monday battling the worst monsoon floods in a…