Spain firefighters battle to control huge Valencia wildfire

Some 300 firefighters spent a difficult night battling a huge wildfire in southeastern Spain that has…

Polish firemen pull tonnes of dead fish from Oder river

Polish firefighters said Tuesday they had recovered 100 tonnes of dead fish from the Oder river…

Blue crabs found to attack at low tide

Dr. David Johnson, an ecologist at William & Mary’s Virginia Institute of Marine Science, has spent…

Scientists take another theoretical step toward uncovering the mystery of dark matter, black holes

Much of the matter in the universe remains unknown and undefined, yet theoretical physicists continue to…

Invasive pests have cost New Zealand billions

Getting rid of invasive pests such as agricultural weeds, stoats, possums, and fire ants will provide…

Researchers unravel cell biology through artificial intelligence

For our cells to proliferate, differentiate or migrate, the nucleus needs the help of its cytoskeleton,…

Top business execs more polarized than nation as whole

Nearly 70% of America’s top executives are affiliated with the Republican Party and 31% with the…

Factors in the severity of heat stroke in China

Heat waves are predicted to be more frequent, intense, and longer lasting as the climate warms.…

Managing the climate disaster

Researchers in South Korea discuss how we must adapt our approaches to disaster management to help…

New supramolecular plastic that is degradable and highly recyclable

A research group headed by senior researcher Jianwei Li at the MediCity Research Laboratory has explored…