Study finds that magical belief varies around the world

Magic has a seemingly universal allure. It’s interwoven in some of the most popular narratives for…

One of the brightest stars in the sky is evolving and dying before our eyes

Nothing lasts forever, including the stars in our night sky. One of the brighter and more…

Extreme debtors may accumulate debt due to inflated sense of self-control

A first-of-its-kind study led by Associate Professor Jia Lile from the Department of Psychology at the…

In cities, a higher income means more protection against noise pollution

Too much noise is detrimental to health, leading to sleep disorders, increased blood pressure and cardiovascular…

Carbon market could offset Australia's huge fire recovery bill

Scientists have put a dollar figure on the cost of recovery and restoration of native flora…

Opinion: Predicting the future of greenhouse gas emissions

With the U.S. federal government finally putting in place a major program to stimulate the decarbonization…

GOP 'message laundering' turns violent, extremist reactions into acceptable political talking points

After the FBI completed a lawful search of former president Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate on Aug.…

Which microbes live in your gut? A microbiologist tries at-home test kits to see what they reveal about the microbiome

When you hear about the gut microbiome, does it ever make you wonder what tiny creatures…

Multigenerational living: A strategy to cope with unaffordable housing?

Over the past 20 years, housing prices in Canada have increased at double the rate of…

Cells regulating blood stem cell maintenance are diverse and conserved between species

Deep molecular analysis of the bone marrow microenvironment reveals that the cells regulating blood stem cell…