Birds on island time: Study relates island characteristics with the seasonal ebb and flow of bird species

A new study examines how the geographic characteristics of the world’s islands influence seasonal variation in…

How global COVID-19 pandemic restrictions shed light on the relationship between transport and air pollution

As around 4 billion people around the world shut their doors during the COVID-19 pandemic—cutting their…

See-through zebrafish, new imaging method put blood stem cells in high-resolution spotlight

For the first time, researchers can get a high-resolution view of single blood stem cells thanks…

Investors threaten financial stability of health care providers: New study

There is growing alarm that Wall Street actors are increasingly buying up hospitals, nursing homes and…

Climate change leads to invasive insect expansion on US West Coast

Climate change has led to warming temperatures in the Pacific Northwest, leading some insect species to…

New giant deep-sea isopod discovered in the Gulf of Mexico

Researchers have identified a new species of Bathonymus, the famed genera of deep-sea isopods whose viral…

New study shows that aging neutralizes sex differences in the brain

When male and female fruit flies age, their brains become desexualized. Age-related changes take place in…

Hibernation slows biological aging in bats

The most common bat in the United States, the big brown bat, boasts an unusually long…

New research using stable isotopes sheds light on how New Zealand's diverse range of toothed whales and dolphins coexist

An international collaborative study involving researchers from Massey University, the University of Canterbury, NIWA, and Flinders…

Research team models moving 'washers' that help DNA replicate

Knowing the structure of a complex biological system isn’t nearly enough to understand how it works.…