Ultrathin 2D cuprate with active periodic copper single sites, a new catalyst for Chan-lam coupling

This study is led by Dr. Lu Jiong from National University of Singapore (NUS), in collaboration…

Development of a new method of synthesizing dialkyl ethers using three catalysts that hydroxylate alkenes

Just when we thought alkenes could only react with alcohol to yield ethers in the presence…

Ziggy Stardust and the 54 Spiders: New spider genus named after David Bowie

Senckenberg arachnologist Dr. Peter Jäger named a new genus from the wandering spider family in honor…

In search of universal laws of diffusion with resetting

The manner in which animals penetrate a neighborhood searching for food shows similarities to the movements…

Microbes emit nitrogen oxides—perhaps more than you think

Microbes emit nitrogen oxides, or NOx. This is important because it involves surface-earth nitrogen (N) cycle,…

How do plants regulate their sugar metabolism?

To carry out their functions in the cell, many proteins require the chemical properties of bound…

Exceeding 100 percent quantum efficiency in the photocurrent of a hybrid inorganic-organic semiconductor

Tiny crystals, known as quantum dots, have enabled an international team to achieve a quantum efficiency…

Optimizing SWAP networks for quantum computing

A research partnership at the Advanced Quantum Testbed (AQT) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)…

Access to services is often worst in suburban areas

The world we live in is often divided using a binary urban-rural distinction, despite a huge…

Early-life acquisition of antimicrobial resistance in newborn children from low- and middle-income countries

Every year, almost 7 million potentially serious bacterial infections are estimated to occur in newborns, resulting…