Nanoparticle 'backpacks' restore damaged stem cells

Within a newborn’s umbilical cord lie potentially life-saving stem cells that can be used to fight…

Scientists shed light on the emergence of pathogenic bacteria

Pathogenic bacteria are highly specialized micro-organisms that are a leading cause of human, livestock and crop…

As climate change makes some areas dangerous to live in, it may get harder to move

Climate change may lead to a reduction in international mobility for populations with the lowest income…

Scientists discover key genes behind insect migrations

Scientists have identified more than 1,500 genetic differences between migratory and non-migratory hoverflies. Click…

Long hop from Nicaragua to US for frogs and spiders sold as 'pets'

With great care, Yesenia Talavera transfers a tiny frog from a plant, where it was sleeping,…

Using lasers and 'tow-trucks', Japanese firms target space debris

From laser beams and wooden satellites to galactic tow-truck services, start-ups in Japan are trying to…

Pandemic reduces carbon emissions at Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games

Major international sports events can significantly reduce their carbon footprint if organizers are willing to make…

Narwhals show physiological disruption in response to seismic survey ship noise

The reaction of narwhals to the loud noise from seismic air guns used in oil exploration…

Building blocks for RNA-based life abound at center of our galaxy

Nitriles, a class of organic molecules with a cyano group—that is, a carbon atom bound with…

Study predicts growth in UK wine production due to climate change

New research reveals how climate change is likely to increase the potential for wine production in…