One-hit wonder: How awards, recognition decrease inventors' creativity

Post-it Notes, Spanx, the iPhone, two-day Prime shipping. From unique gadgets to revolutionary business ideas, the…

The historical roots of a contemporary groundwater crisis

For well over a century the immense biodiversity of the lands that constitute Spain’s Doñana National…

California's trees are dying, and might not be coming back

The State of California is banking on its forests to help reduce planet-warming carbon dioxide in…

Study explores role of white allyship on self-esteem of marginalized group members

In recent years, many Americans have begun to rethink their views on racial justice and the…

Physicists measure joint polarization of carriers of the weak force

In the Standard Model of particle physics, the Brout-Englert-Higgs mechanism provides mass to elementary particles. While…

Genome of tropical freshwater fish may reveal conservation clues

The genetic evolution of freshwater fish in Ecuador could unlock new insights for conservation ecologists. A…

Physicists use AI to find the most complex protein knots so far

The question of how the chemical composition of a protein—the amino acid sequence—determines its 3D structure…

Strain-sensing smart skin ready to deploy

A strain-sensing smart skin developed at Rice University that uses very small structures, carbon nanotubes, to…

Researchers develop a new peptide system for the targeted transport of molecules into living mammalian cells

A novel peptide developed at the Universities of Bayreuth and Bristol is eminently suited for the…

Geological activity can rapidly change deep microbial communities

In the deep subsurface that plunges into the Earth for miles, microscopic organisms inhabit vast bedrock…