Astronomers discover how galaxies form through mergers

Astronomers in the UK announce today that have established how galaxies like our own Milky Way…

ALMA observes ongoing star-formation standoff in the Large Magellanic Cloud

While using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) to observe large star-forming regions in the Large…

Sharing source-backed information can help reduce COVID-19 misinformation online

If you see fake news about COVID-19 circulating on your social media feeds, say something—if you…

Did California learn anything from the last drought? 'Gambling' with water continues

The governor of California stood in a patch of dry brown grass as he made his…

Major water cutbacks loom as shrinking Colorado River nears 'moment of reckoning'

As the West endures another year of unrelenting drought worsened by climate change, the Colorado River’s…

NASA will fly your name around the moon on historic mission. Here's how to sign up

Space travel is clearly for astronauts and the super rich, but NASA has found a way…

Aiming to improve joint connection technologies for light-weight and high-strength structures

The research team (led by Professor Yukihiro Matsumoto) formed by Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering…

Steep mountain slopes have surprisingly long lifetimes

Gravity and rock physics say slopes steeper than about 30°—known as the critical threshold angle, or…

New maps of asteroid Psyche reveal an ancient world of metal and rock

Later this year, NASA is set to launch a probe the size of a tennis court…

Exploring high selective catalysts via fabrication of oxygen vacancy on TiO2

Oxygen vacancy (Ov) significantly influences the oxidation process through oxygen adsorption and activation. Element doping can…