Uncorking champagne bottle produces supersonic shock waves

Opening a bottle of champagne traditionally marks the beginning of a festive celebration. Following the fun…

Distributed sensor network may reveal physical processes contributing to diminishing sea ice

Despite its below-freezing temperatures, the Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the…

Physicists announce first results from Daya Bay's final dataset

Over nearly nine years, the Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment captured an unprecedented five and a…

How will humans survive a global catastrophe?

One suggested way to save humankind in the event of a deadly pandemic or other extreme…

Understanding hurricanes and climate change

The 2022 Atlantic hurricane season has officially started, and NASA scientists are working with partners at…

NASA's MAVEN spacecraft resumes science and operations, exits safe mode

NASA’s Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN, or MAVEN, mission returned to normal science and relay operations…

'Fruitcake' structure observed in organic polymers

Researchers have analyzed the properties of an organic polymer with potential applications in flexible electronics and…

Time crystals 'impossible' but obey quantum physics

Scientists have created the first “time-crystal” two-body system in an experiment that seems to bend the…

Unprecedented water curbs kick in for drought-hit Los Angeles

Unprecedented restrictions on water usage went into effect Wednesday in the Los Angeles area, which like…

Ancient Mayan maize god sculpture found in Mexico

Archaeologists have uncovered a roughly 1,300-year-old sculpture representing the head of a Mayan maize god in…