Researchers reconstruct Earth's carbon cycle using thermodynamic modeling and plate tectonic reconstructions

Researchers from the School of Earth Sciences at The University of Western Australia have helped reconstruct…

Tunable quantum traps for excitons

Researchers at ETH Zurich have succeeded for the first time in trapping excitons—quasiparticles consisting of negatively…

Hubble captures gravitationally bound galaxies NGC 3227 and NGC 3226

This NASA Hubble Space Telescope image finds the large spiral galaxy, NGC 3227, wrapped in a…

New ultra-faint dwarf galaxy discovered

Astronomers from the University of Arizona (UA) and elsewhere report the discovery of a new ultra-faint…

Why did Mars dry out? New study points to unusual answers

Mars once ran red with rivers. The telltale tracks of past rivers, streams and lakes are…

Silicone wristbands track firefighters' exposure to harmful chemicals

Firefighters have a 9% higher risk of being diagnosed with cancer and a 14% higher risk…

Chemists use light energy to produce small molecular rings

In the search for new active agents in medicine, molecules whose atoms are linked in rings…

All-optical computation of a group of transformations using a polarization-encoded diffractive network

Implementing large-scale linear transformations or matrix computations plays a pivotal role in modern information processing systems.…

The first cave-bound mollusc species from the Americas

Exclusively subterranean bivalves—the group of molluscs comprising clams, oysters, mussels, scallops—are considered a rarity. Prior to…

Wealthiest homeowners most at risk of wildfire hazard

The top ten per cent most valuable homes in the western United States are 70% more…