Chromatin found to have originated in ancient microbes one to two billion years ago

In almost every human cell, 2 meters of DNA has to fit within a nucleus that…

What happened before, during and after solar system formation? Asteroid Ryugu study holds the answers

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency’s (JAXA) Hayabusa2 mission returned uncontaminated primitive asteroid samples to Earth. A…

Pre-historic Wallacea: A melting pot of human genetic ancestries

The Wallacean islands have always been separated from Asia and Oceania by deep-sea waters. Yet, these…

Are we born with a moral compass?

For millennia, philosophers have pondered the question of whether humans are inherently good. But now, researchers…

Comet Interceptor approved for construction

ESA’s Comet Interceptor mission to visit a pristine comet or other interstellar object just starting its…

Why do students with disability go to 'special schools' when research tells us they do better in the mainstream system?

This week, the disability royal commission is looking atthe experiences of children and young people with…

What ancient toilets can teach us about Maya life, and tamales

Ancient toilets and trash pits are like heaven to archaeologists. They might not have the glamor…

New map shows seabed of the Southern Ocean in unprecedented detail

The features of the ocean floor help determine how water masses and ocean currents move and…

The physicochemical nature of colloidal motion waves among silver colloids

Traveling waves are commonly observed in biological and synthetic systems, and recent discoveries have shown how…

NASA has purchased five more Crew Dragon missions, keeping the ISS going until 2030

On November 15th, 2020, NASA and SpaceX made history when a crewed spacecraft—the Crew Dragon Resilience—lifted…