Newly discovered molecular network regulates vitamin C biosynthesis in kiwifruit

Actinidia (kiwifruit) is rich in ascorbic acid (AsA) and Vitamin C (Vc) and is known as…

Video: Charting sea level from space

Satellite images of our planet have become essential to our survival, offering a new outlook of…

Diversity messages may backfire when companies focus on diversity's benefits for the bottom line

Companies that justify their diversity efforts by saying that a diverse workforce will improve their bottom…

Bizarre meat-eating dinosaur found in classic fossil site in Egypt's Sahara desert

An Egyptian-American team of researchers has announced the discovery of a new kind of large-bodied meat-eating…

Palaeontologist reveals a dinosaur belly button using laser imaging

Paleontologists have set a new record for the oldest belly button ever found in reptiles and…

Almost all of Portugal in severe drought after hot, dry May

Almost the whole of Portugal was in severe drought at the end of May, the country’s…

Researchers reveal add-on benefits of natural defenses against sea-level rise

Investments in the environment are paying off for a California county where projects designed to restore…

Slash airline emissions to meet Paris targets: report

The world needs “early, aggressive and sustained” government intervention to cut aviation emissions if Paris Agreement…

PCR test for Okinawa mozuku could increase yields and lead to climate-tolerant strains

A simple PCR test could be used to improve cultivation of the edible brown seaweed, Okinawa…

Two national surveys show majorities of both political parties support legal abortion

Regardless of race, ethnicity and even political party preference, two separate UCLA-led surveys reveal that majorities…