Scientists use technology to look at the personalities and predictability of farmed calves

Using state of the art sensor technologies, experts at the University of Nottingham have found that…

Whale images used for artificial intelligence research

A new dataset featuring hundreds of satellite images of whales has been published to support the…

Examining the odd locomotion of microswimmers

Being odd can be a good thing, particularly when you are a microscopic cellular organism trying…

Amazon River freshwater fish show signs of overexploitation

As the cherished rainforest in South America’s Amazon River region continues to shrink, the river itself…

Ketogenic diet helps mouse muscle stem cells survive stress, study finds

Fasting sends muscle stem cells into a deep resting state that slows muscle repair but also…

Study unveils interannual modulation of subthermocline eddy kinetic energy in region east of the Philippines

The region east of the Philippine coast has energetic mesoscale eddies and high eddy kinetic energy…

Promising anticancer molecule identified

Researchers at Kanazawa University in collaboration with teams from Toyama Prefectural University and BioSeeds Corporation report…

In low-income families, fathers' depression hurts couples

When fathers in economically struggling families show symptoms of depression, the effects may be particularly damaging…

Allow children to play in nature on their own more often

Places to play outdoors for children are increasingly located in the built-up environment and often look…

Social and governance performances affect institutional ownership in the hospitality and tourism sector

Research from Bayes Business School (formerly Cass) suggests companies in the hospitality and tourism sector can…