Potential of leaking modes to reveal underground structure

Uncovering the geologic structure beneath Earth’s surface is important for a variety of reasons, including identifying…

Playing video games may enhance reading skills

Data shows the activity may contribute to improving one’s peripheral attention skills that are essential for…

Massive bubbles at center of Milky Way caused by supermassive black hole

In 2020, the X-ray telescope eRosita took images of two enormous bubbles extending far above and…

Evidence found of goose domestication in China 7,000 years ago

A team of researchers affiliated with multiple institutions in Japan and China has found evidence of…

Understanding the language of the eyes

What is the significance of the sclera of our eyes? A question which researchers have been…

Paper made from banana plants stymies potato pest

Wrapping potato seeds in biodegradable paper made from unusable parts of banana plants reduces the infestation…

Research reveals how global ecosystems produce greenhouse emissions

Oakland University biology researchers banded with scientists across the world to understand the relationship between greenhouse…

A plant root atlas for tracking developmental trajectories

A collaborative team led by Geoffrey Schiebinger at the University of British Columbia, Philip Benfey at…

Expanded knowledge of a mineral that helps decipher past climates

A review published in Reviews of Geophysics, featuring participation by the UCO, contains much of the…

New species of extinct vampire-squid–like cephalopod is the first of its kind with ten functional arms

New research led by scientists at the American Museum of Natural History and Yale shows that…