How brands can tackle trolling by taking away the enabling audience

Social media platforms should hide the viewing metrics on malicious content posted by trolls as part…

Did a tough environment shape the evolution of human creativity?

Between the time when early modern humans emerged in Africa and when they spread around the…

Flies, maggots and methamphetamine: How insects can reveal drugs and poisons at crime scenes

The oldest book of zoology was published on clay tablets more than 3,600 years ago, and…

Tonga volcano to have smaller cooling impact on climate change than first thought

A fresh analysis of the possible cooling effect of the sulfur dioxide injected into the atmosphere…

Green jobs and the transition to an environmentally sustainable economy

Last week, New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli issued an excellent analysis of the growth of…

Half the world is facing water scarcity, floods and dirty water. Large investments are needed for effective solutions

More than half the world’s population faces water scarcity for at least one month every year.…

Experiment on reservoir in India fails to find evidence of cosmic dawn

A team of researchers with the Raman Research Institute in India has attempted to replicate the…

IPCC report says climate change is causing dangerous disruption to nature

Scientists at the University of East Anglia (UEA) have played a leading role in the latest…

New technique unlocks ancient history of Earth from grains of sand

Lead researcher Dr. Milo Barham, from the Timescales of Mineral Systems Group within Curtin’s School of…

Tiny tire particles inhibit growth of organisms in freshwater, coastal estuaries

Small particles from tires inhibited the growth and caused adverse behavioral changes in organisms found in…