Boron isotope helps to trace fluid processes in subduction zone

Subduction zone fluids are the key carrier for element migration and matter cycles between the crust…

Radio-frequency pulse enables association of triatomic molecules in an ultracold gas

The three-body system is already a formidable puzzle in classical physics, not to mention the quantum…

Controlling the speed of magnetic devices

In an international collaboration led by scientists from the Fritz Haber Institute in Berlin, a novel…

Hyperpolic shear polaritons in low-symmetry crystals

Scientists from the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Vanderbilt University, City University of…

Chinese rover finds translucent glass globules on the moon

Scientists say China’s Yutu-2 rover, part of the Chang’E-4 mission, has found several small glass globules…

The insect brain: We froze ants and beetles to learn how they remember their way home

We humans are versatile and accomplished navigators, but insects might have navigation skills that are even…

Research offers new understanding of complex catalysis, advances catalyst design

Many of the catalytic reactions that drive our modern world happen in an atomic black box.…

Wind-sculpted feature on Mars is an extensive dust factory

This image from ESA’s Mars Express shows part of possibly the largest single source of dust…

Protective armor of superbug C. difficile revealed for the first time, providing target for treatments

The structure of the protective armor of superbug C. difficile has been revealed for the first…

Scientists share final findings from Tonawanda Coke Soil Study

Scientists from the Tonawanda Coke Soil Study hosted a community meeting on Feb. 24 to share…