A simple methodology for the synthesis of novel β-SiC nanoparticle-based anode materials for lithium-ion batteries

Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs), known for their longevity, excellent charge storage characteristics, high energy density, and high…

Listening to everything: How sound reveals an unseen world

Vision is often regarded as first among the human senses, as our eyes are the way…

Could treatment for doggie dementia yield clues for Alzheimer's disease in humans?

A groundbreaking new study is underway at the James L. Voss Veterinary Teaching Hospital to understand…

Study probes how DNA folding might affect gene activity

Russian researchers from Skoltech, the Institute of Molecular Genetics of NRC Kurchatov Institute, Lomonosov Moscow State…

Some microbes steal methanobactins produced by other microbes

As John Donne wrote “no man is an island,” and similarly no microbe is truly alone.…

Asexual reproduction can have negative effects on genome evolution in stick insects

An international research team has shown that parthenogenesis, a form of asexual reproduction, negatively affects the…

Hidden weaknesses within volcanoes may cause their collapse

Lava domes form at the top of many volcanoes when viscous lava erupts. When they become…

Researchers simulate important structural elements of the pion

When it comes to describing the fundamental structure and composition of matter, the research field of…

How to repair work relationships after making a social blunder

If you feel your social skills have gone downhill, you’re not alone. After nearly two years…

New simulations refine axion mass, refocusing dark matter search

Physicists searching—unsuccessfully—for today’s most favored candidate for dark matter, the axion, have been looking in the…