Scientists reveal 4.4 million galaxies in a new map

Durham University astronomer collaborating with a team of international scientists have mapped more than a quarter…

Plastic treaty would be historic for planet: UNEP chief

The world has a rare opportunity to clean up the planet for future generations by uniting…

'Baby boot camp' exercises critically endangered orangutan

The 2-month-old critically endangered orangutan, still so tiny that infant-sized diapers hung loosely in front of…

6.2 earthquake kills 2, injures more in west Indonesia

A strong and shallow earthquake hit off the coast of Indonesia’s Sumatra island on Friday, killing…

World's top banks show minimal clear commitments to shift financing away from fossil fuels, finds revelational study

Big banking is saying little on how they will combat climate change through their financing, shows…

How much energy does a dolphin use to swim?

From foraging for prey to evading predators, ship strikes or other dangers, a dolphin’s survival often…

New therapy breakthrough changes the shape of treatment for undruggable diseases

For some time, scientists have been working on the major challenge of developing new therapies against…

More intense roasting of cocoa beans lessens bitterness, boosts chocolate liking

Confection makers who want to develop products containing 100% chocolate and no sugar for health-conscious consumers…

Live wire: New research on nanoelectronics

Proteins are among the most versatile and ubiquitous biomolecules on earth. Nature uses them for everything…

Interaction with lung cells transforms asbestos particles

A common building material, asbestos is the term used to describe a range of naturally growing…