A new perspective on how early protein-RNA interactions evolved

Protein-RNA complexes are ubiquitous in modern life and are essential to many stages of the cell…

Galaxy collision creates 'space triangle' in new Hubble image

A spectacular head-on collision between two galaxies fueled the unusual triangular-shaped star-birthing frenzy, as captured in…

New method can disarm antibiotic resistance in deadly bacteria

Scientists think they may have uncovered a whole new approach to fighting antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which, if…

Milkweed species proves beneficial for monarch conservation

Researchers have identified a species of milkweed that holds promise for planting on roadsides to improve…

Distinct structural domains in MUNC long non-coding RNA regulate gene expression

In a paper in Cell Reports, Anindya Dutta, M.D., Ph.D., and colleagues detail the first structure-function…

New research suggests way to turn SARS-CoV-2 against itself

Scientists have discovered a possible new way to fight COVID-19 by turning part of SARS-CoV-2 against…

Following the inner compass: How birds find their ways to foreign lands

How migratory animals find their way to the wintering grounds, thousands of kilometers apart from their…

CO2 recycling and efficient drug development: Tackling two problems with one reaction

Using electricity, a new method offers the possibility of recycling CO2 while also performing a notoriously…

A strong-eyed style: What makes Australian muster dogs unique

The recent ABC TV series Muster Dogs has brought into sharp focus the incredible skills of…

Altruism in birds? Magpies have outwitted scientists by helping each other remove tracking devices

When we attached tiny, backpack-like tracking devices to five Australian magpies for a pilot study, we…