13 million face hunger as Horn of Africa drought worsens: UN

An estimated 13 million people in Kenya, Somalia and Ethiopia are facing severe hunger as the…

Climate change threatens Hadrian's Wall treasures in England

Nineteen hundred years after it was built to keep out barbarian hordes, archaeologists at Hadrian’s Wall…

Turtles dying from eating trash show plastics scourge in UAE

The hawksbill sea turtle lay belly-up on the metal autopsy table, its shell ashen and stomach…

EXPLAINER: How China got blue skies in time for Olympics

The blue skies greeting Olympic athletes here this month are a stark change from just a…

Saturn's high-altitude winds generate an extraordinary aurorae, study finds

Leicester space scientists have discovered a never-before-seen mechanism fuelling huge planetary aurorae at Saturn. …

Scientists discover a mysterious transition in an electronic crystal

When temperature changes, many materials undergo a phase transition, such as liquid water to ice, or…

Soil tillage reduces availability of 'longevity vitamin' ergothioneine in crops

Soil tillage on farms may significantly reduce in crops the availability of ergothioneine (ERGO), an amino…

Refugees in U.S. struggle to find long-term work

Refugees are less likely to be employed the longer they live in the United States, despite…

New radar technology records Antarctic glaciers losing ice faster than ever documented before

In a new University of Houston study using an advanced remote imaging system known as synthetic…

As tectonic plates pull apart, what drives the formation of rifts?

At the boundaries between tectonic plates, narrow rifts can form as Earth’s crust slowly pulls apart. …