Researchers pioneer new method to edit genes in human cells

Over the past decade, the CRISPR genome-editing system has revolutionized molecular biology, giving scientists the ability…

Engineered nanomaterial captures off-target cancer drug to prevent tissue damage

Standard chemotherapies may efficiently kill cancer cells, but they also pose significant risks to healthy cells,…

New color-coded test quickly reveals whether medical nanoparticles have successfully delivered their payload

Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers have developed a color-coded test that quickly signals whether newly developed nanoparticles—ultra…

How dairy farmers can adapt to climate change

Dairy farmers in the Northeast—facing a warming climate that exacerbates nutrient pollution but lengthens the growing…

Malaspina Glacier, world's largest piedmont glacier, surges approximately every 10 years

Understanding the surges and retreats of Alaska’s Malaspina Glacier is key if climate change models are…

New research questions 'whiff of oxygen' in Earth's early history

Evidence arguing for a “whiff of oxygen” before the Earth’s Great Oxygenation Event 2.3 billion years…

Modern humans developed a more effective protection against oxidative stress

Very few proteins in the body have adaptations that make them unique compared to the corresponding…

Experts puzzled by continuing South Carolina earthquakes

Yet another earthquake has struck near South Carolina’s capital city, the ninth in a series of…

Researchers pinpoint which bird species pose food safety risk to crops

Concerns over foodborne risk from birds may not be as severe as once thought by produce…

New analysis approach could increase the number of usable donor kidneys

A new way to evaluate the quality of kidneys before transplantation could one day help increase…