Are you a climate change hypocrite? Here's why you shouldn't worry

Standing on the deck of Berta Cáceres, the now-iconic pink boat, Emma Thompson addressed a sprawling…

Biogeographical affinity in Cretaceous flora from two islands of Tethys Ocean

A study published in Cretaceous Research expands the paleontological richness of continental fossils of the Lower…

Burying carbon has potential to enhance carbon sequestration without reducing grass productivity

Soil carbon sequestration is recognized in the current National Climate Action Plan 2019 as an important…

Biologically inspired artificial muscles made from motor proteins

Inside our cells, and those of the most well-known lifeforms, exist a variety of complex compounds…

Study analyzes the impact of the economic cycle on temporary disability

Working conditions, mass layoffs and other economy-related reasons could explain the rises and falls in temporary…

Quasi-periodic oscillation detected in Cygnus X-1

Using the Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope (HXMT), astronomers from Shanghai Astronomical Observatory in China have detected…

Elegant constrictions in a cellular kill switch

The inner workings of a “self-destruct switch” present on human cells that can be activated during…

Coral fights back against crown of thorns starfish

Coral can fight back against attacking juvenile crown of thorns starfish—using stinging cells to injure and…

3 tips to help you create a thriving pollinator-friendly garden

The busy buzz of pollinating bees is a sound most of us associate with summer. If…

Three times greater reductions in U.S. greenhouse gas emissions than previously reported

The COVID-19 pandemic has altered energy use and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions globally and continues to…