Developing countries need to chart their own course to net zero emissions

Translating complex climate science into language people understand has always been difficult. At various times, the…

Observation of antichiral edge states in a circuit lattice

A modified Haldane lattice exhibits the intriguing phenomenon of antichiral edge states that propagate in the…

Polarization-sensitive photodetection using 2D/3D perovskite heterostructure crystal

Polarization-sensitive photodetectors based on anisotropic semiconductors exhibit a wide range of advantages in specialized applications, such…

60 years since 1st American in space: Tourists lining up

Sixty years after Alan Shepard became the first American in space, everyday people are on the…

Nature at its craziest: Trillions of cicadas about to emerge

Sifting through a shovel load of dirt in a suburban backyard, Michael Raupp and Paula Shrewsbury…

Professor overcomes loss to craft COVID-19 student brochures

When the coronavirus pandemic struck New York City, LaGuardia Community College professor Lucia Fuentes assigned students…

Ancient Mesopotamian marshes threatened by Iraqi sewage, pollutants

In southern Iraq, putrid water gushes out of waste pipes into marshes reputed to be home…

Without commuter traffic, pandemic-era drivers are speeding up, increasing noise pollution

As pandemic lockdowns went into effect in March 2020 and millions of Americans began working from…

Researchers analyze the host origins of SARS-CoV-2 and other coronaviruses

Coronavirus (CoVs) infection in animals and humans is not new. The earliest papers in the scientific…

Machine learning accelerates cosmological simulations

A universe evolves over billions upon billions of years, but researchers have developed a way to…