Climate change warms groundwater in Bavaria

Groundwater reservoirs in Bavaria have warmed considerably over the past few decades. A new study by…

Pronouns matter—pronoun use conveys inclusivity

In her doctoral dissertation, Laura Hekanaho investigates attitudes towards English third person singular pronouns. The use…

Breaking the rules of chemistry unlocks new reaction

Scientists have broken the rules of enzyme engineering to unlock a new method for creating chemical…

Early human landscape modifications discovered in Amazonia

In 2002 Professor Alceu Ranzi (Federal University of Acre) and Prof. Martti Parssinen (University of Helsinki)…

Molecular 'barcode' helps decide which sperm will reach an egg

A protein called CatSper1 may act as a molecular ‘barcode’ that helps determine which sperm cells…

New model predicts that larger fish suffer respiratory distress sooner

Large fish develop respiratory distress more quickly in warm water than smaller species, according to a…

When businesses behave badly

On a fateful April night ten years ago, the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded—taking the lives…

US: mountain pine tree that feeds grizzlies is threatened

Climate change, voracious beetles and disease are imperiling the long-term survival of a high-elevation pine tree…

Decontaminating almonds and nuts with compressed carbon dioxide

Hardly a day goes by without manufacturers recalling food tainted by impurities. Even dry foods, generally…

Scientists solve big limitation of stratospheric balloon payloads

Nearly all photons emitted after the Big Bang are now visible only at far-infrared wavelengths. This…