Cooling electronics efficiently with graphene-enhanced heat pipes

Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, have found that graphene-based heat pipes can help solve…

A first step to plant made dengue virus vaccines

Researchers have used plants to produce virus-like particles (VLPs) of the dengue virus in a potential…

Study plots pythons' history in Australia

Pythons first arrived in Australia from Asia around 23 million years ago and then adapted to…

Pacific killer whales are dying—new research shows why

Killer whales are icons of the northeastern Pacific Ocean. They are intimately associated with the region’s…

Climate change is resulting in profound, immediate and worsening health impacts, over 120 researchers say

Climate change is resulting in profound, immediate and worsening health impacts, and no country is immune,…

Pilot whale study reveals copycat calls to outsmart predators

New Curtin University research has found southern Australian long-finned pilot whales are able to mimic the…

Researchers measure electron emission to improve understanding of laser-based metal 3-D printing

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) researchers have taken a promising step in improving the reliability of…

K9 chemistry: A safer way to train detection dogs

Trained dogs are incredible chemical sensors, far better at detecting explosives, narcotics and other substances than…

Water samples reveal microplastics in remote Patagonian fjord system

New research has found microplastics in every sample taken from a vast fjord system in remote…

Toxic waste dumping in the Gulf of Guinea amounts to environmental racism

Toxic waste and electronic waste (e-waste) is generated from a wide range of industries—such as health,…