Pigment production adapted to cultural changes and availability of mineral resources 40,000 years ago in Ethiopia

An international research team from Spain and France has carried out the chemical and technological analysis…

Researchers make a significant step towards reliably processing quantum information

Using laser light, researchers have developed the most robust method currently known to control individual qubits…

Researchers create optical device that can kill pathogens on surfaces while remaining safe for humans

While it has long been known that ultraviolet (UV) light can help kill disease-causing pathogens, the…

Scientists find evidence of sea star species hybridization

Scientists have long suspected two species of sea stars—commonly referred to as starfish—along rocky European and…

Researchers improve efficiency in carbon dioxide electroreduction

Researchers from the Institute of Process Engineering (IPE) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Yanshan…

Study shows jackdaws switch friends to gain food, but stick with family

Jackdaws ditch old friends and make new ones if it helps them get rewards—but stick with…

Model shows life-threatening heat events will happen more often and in more places as the world warms

A team of climate scientists at the Woodwell Climate Research Center in the U.S., working with…

Hydration matters: The interaction patterns of water and oxide crystals revealed

In a study recently published in the journal Nanoscale, researchers from Kanazawa University and AGC Inc.…

Nutrients drive cellular reprogramming in the intestines of fruit flies

Researchers have unveiled an intriguing phenomenon of cellular reprogramming in mature adult organs, shedding light on…

New insights into neutrino interactions

Research at Hokkaido University has revealed that elusive particles called neutrinos can interact with photons, the…