Catapulting spider winds up web to launch at prey: study

Just when you thought spiders couldn’t get any more terrifying. Click here for original…

Facebook to pay US content reviewers more amid criticism

Facebook is raising how much it pays U.S. contractors who do some of its most taxing…

Signals to noise in acoustic vehicles alerting systems

If you’ve ever wished for a quieter commute, you may be in luck: The low-emission electric…

Echo chambers may not be as dangerous as you think, new study finds

In the wake of the 2016 American presidential election, western media outlets became almost obsessed with…

Coastal organisms trapped in 99-million-year-old amber

Most amber inclusions are organisms that lived in the forest. It is very rare to find…

Apple revamps TV app for direct subscriptions to channels

Apple users will be able to subscribe to HBO, Showtime and a handful of other channels…

Study expands understanding of bacterial communities for global next-generation wastewater treatment and reuse systems

A University of Oklahoma-led interdisciplinary global study expands the understanding of activated sludge microbiomes for next-generation…

NASA-NOAA satellite catches Tropical Cyclone Ann threatening Queensland

NASA-NOAA’s Suomi NPP satellite passed over the Southern Pacific Ocean and captured a visible image of…

NASA funds aviation research on a new fuel concept

Researchers at the University of Illinois are leading a newly funded project from NASA to develop…

Collagen fibres grow like a sunflower

Collagen fibrils are a major component of the connective tissues found throughout the animal kingdom. The…