Study: Treats might mask animal intelligence

Rewards are necessary for learning, but may actually mask true knowledge, finds a new Johns Hopkins…

How is climate change affecting fishes? There are clues inside their ears

Climate change affects all life on Earth, but it poses unique challenges for aquatic species. For…

Turning off growth to make flowers grow

The beautiful colors and smells of flowers serve a much greater purpose than just decoration. Flowers…

Radioisotope couple for tumor diagnosis and therapy

Researchers at Kanazawa University report in ACS Omega a promising combination of radioisotope-carrying molecules for use…

Glass skyscrapers—a great environmental folly that could have been avoided

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio has declared that skyscrapers made of glass and steel “have…

Revolutionary approach to storing and using carbon, and the impressive effort it will take to achieve

With global emissions continuing unabated, climate change is proceeding at a startling pace. But a team…

Expert explains how breathing problems can quash a racehorse's chance at gold

The Kentucky Derby has come and gone, but there are still two races left in the…

The redistribution of resources by unspoken policy and other means

Uruguay in 2002 is in an economic crisis that hits the poorest sectors of the population…

Archaeopteryx gets company

Researchers at LMU Munich describe a hitherto unknown bird from the late Jurassic period. It is…

Underwater Arctic forests are expanding with rapid warming

Did you know that there are forests in the Arctic? Click here for original…