Promoting smarter ways to mine within fragile forests

Many of the planet’s most valuable mineral resources are to be found within and beneath forested…

The grandmother effect suggests that proximity is a factor in family size

The human species is one of the very few, along with orcas and pilot whales, where…

Huge growth in use of quartz for tools shows sophistication of ancient communities

A growth in the use of crystal quartz to make tools thousands of years ago shows…

Researchers suggest coal ash and tailings dam disasters could be prevented

A trio of researchers from the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, the University of…

Carry-over credits and carbon offsets are hot topics this election – but what do they actually mean?

In this election, often dubbed the “climate election”, voters are refusing to settle for weak policies…

New professor brings precision data to the dairy barn

The same technology that alerts a self-driving car that there’s a pedestrian in the crosswalk could…

Tunisia seizes illegal red coral worth two million euros

Tunisian authorities said Friday they had seized 671 kilogrammes of illegally harvested red coral worth two…

Computing faster with quasi-particles

Majorana particles are very peculiar members of the family of elementary particles. First predicted in 1937…

Researchers quicken drug discovery method via zombie-like cells

Researchers are using zombie-like cells that behave normally on the outside, but are filled with magnetic…

Technology reveals previously undetectable protein signaling activity in diabetes, cancer

Proteins are the workhorses of the cell. Their activity is often controlled by adding or removing…