Python patrols stalk Florida swamps to staunch marauding serpents

Along with the venomous lionfish, the Burmese python is perhaps the least welcome invasive species in…

Japanese man jailed for smuggling insects from Ecuador

A Japanese man was sentenced to two years in prison in Ecuador for attempting to smuggle…

News Corp shows third quarter profit

Rupert Murdoch’s mass media and publishing company News Corp posted a third quarter net profit of…

Mexico's prized beaches threatened by smelly algae invasion

Tourists looking for sun and sand in Mexican resorts like Cancun, Playa del Carmen and Tulum…

Student 'geek squads' maintain school devices, help teachers

Buffalo kindergarten teacher Maria Spurlock was still struggling after trying for more than a week to…

Lunar tunnel engineers excited by boring Moon colonies

As space agencies prepare to return humans to the Moon, top engineers are racing to design…

Study explores the use of robots and artificial intelligence to understand the deep-sea

Artificial intelligence (AI) could help scientists shed new light on the variety of species living on…

Climate change responsible for severe infectious disease in UK frogs

Climate change has already increased the spread and severity of a fatal disease caused by Ranavirus…

New method developed to detect and trace homemade bombs

Researchers at King’s College London, in collaboration with Northumbria University, have developed a new way of…

Officials seek to open major spillway on Mississippi River

Army Corps of Engineers officials in Louisiana aim to open a historic flood control structure above…