Apple's 'most ambitious' retail store set for US capital

Half store, half museum, Apple’s new location in the US capital within a historic landmark is…

Uber to price IPO at $45, valuing company at $82 bn: source

Uber was preparing a share offering that values the global ridesharing giant at up to $82…

How sea level rise affects birds in coastal forests

When saltwater inundates coastal forests as sea levels rise, it kills salt-sensitive trees, leaving “ghost forests”…

Egg yolk precursor protein regulates mosquitoes' attraction to humans

Feeding mosquitoes sugar makes them less attracted to humans, a response that is regulated by the…

Plants and the art of microbial maintenance

It’s been known for centuries that plants produce a diverse array of medically-valuable chemicals in their…

Exploiting parasitic yeast to kill yeast pathogens

Insights into the genes and proteins involved in the predatory behavior of a parasitic yeast species…

Color vision found in fish that live in near darkness

An international team of researchers discovered a previously unknown visual system that may allow color vision…

Methane-consuming bacteria could be the future of fuel

Known for their ability to remove methane from the environment and convert it into a usable…

Gravitational forces in protoplanetary disks may push super-Earths close to their stars

The galaxy is littered with planetary systems vastly different from ours. In the solar system, the…

An electric tongue can handle more spicy foods than you can

Thousands of new spicy products hit supermarket shelves every year. Some people crave the heat, some…