US tech firms to take hit from Huawei sanctions

The tough sanctions imposed on Huawei by President Donald Trump could deal a blow to the…

Expert judgement provides better understanding of the effect of melting ice sheets

Melting ice sheets in Greenland and the Antarctic, and subsequent sea level rise (SLR) this will…

Reverse-engineered computer model provides new insights into larval behavior

Scientists have developed a new approach to describe the behaviours of microscopic marine larvae, which will…

Bacteria change behavior to tackle tiny obstacle course

It’s not exactly the set of TV’s “American Ninja Warrior,” but a tiny obstacle course for…

Resilience of Yellowstone's forests tested by unprecedented fire

In August 2016, areas of Yellowstone National Park that burned in 1988 burned again. Shortly after,…

Juno finds changes in Jupiter's magnetic field

NASA’s Juno mission to Jupiter made the first definitive detection beyond our world of an internal…

Researchers demonstrate double-lock protection mechanism in crucial cellular switches

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet (LMU) in Munich researchers have used CRISPR technology to probe the mechanisms that guide the…

The return of the wolves

The current return of wolves to human-dominated landscapes poses a major challenge for the protection of…

High-tech Estonia votes online for European Parliament

Estonia was crippled by cyberattacks on government networks during a dispute with Russia in 2007. Today…

Fiber-based imaging spectrometer captures record amounts of data

Researchers have developed a new compact, fiber-based imaging spectrometer for remote sensing that can capture 30,000…