Ryanair profit slumps on cheaper fares

Ryanair’s annual net profit slumped by almost one third as overcapacity in the European short-haul sector…

Economists find net benefit in soda tax

A team of economists has concluded that soda taxes serve as a “net good,” an assessment…

Can a hands-on model help forest stakeholders fight tree disease?

When a new, more aggressive strain of the pathogen that causes sudden oak death turned up…

Traumatised by conflict, animals find haven in Jordan

For more than a year after being moved to a Jordanian wildlife reserve from war-hit Syria,…

Sinking feeling: Philippine cities facing 'slow-motion disaster'

When Mary Ann San Jose moved to Sitio Pariahan more than two decades ago, she could…

Google and Android system start to cut ties with Huawei

US internet giant Google, whose Android mobile operating system powers most of the world’s smartphones, said…

UN chief's call to 'save the Pacific to save the world'

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said it was vital “to save the Pacific to save the world”…

As bitcoin gyrates, less euphoria in evidence at blockchain gathering

The vibe at a gathering this week for blockchain enthusiasts felt decidedly less exuberant than its…

Air pollution hotspots in Europe

Big cities beset with gridlocked traffic, major regions producing coal, pockets of heavy industry encased by…

Life goes on under cloud of smog in Mexico City

Scientists say breathing the heavily polluted air in Mexico City these days is like smoking somewhere…