A new sensor for light, heat and touch

Inspired by the behaviour of natural skin, researchers at the Laboratory of Organic Electronics, Linkoping University,…

Student creates model to predict hotspots of reptile, amphibian road mortality

One of the leading causes of death for frogs, turtles and snakes is road mortality. A…

Researchers solve scientific puzzle that could improve solar panel efficiency

A Loughborough University Ph.D. student has helped shed light on a solar panel puzzle that could…

New study finds people are using Twitter to bridge political divides

Given the current atmosphere of political polarization, conventional wisdom suggests that conversations about politics—especially those taking…

Study: Treats might mask animal intelligence

Rewards are necessary for learning, but may actually mask true knowledge, finds a new Johns Hopkins…

How is climate change affecting fishes? There are clues inside their ears

Climate change affects all life on Earth, but it poses unique challenges for aquatic species. For…

Turning off growth to make flowers grow

The beautiful colors and smells of flowers serve a much greater purpose than just decoration. Flowers…

Radioisotope couple for tumor diagnosis and therapy

Researchers at Kanazawa University report in ACS Omega a promising combination of radioisotope-carrying molecules for use…

Glass skyscrapers—a great environmental folly that could have been avoided

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio has declared that skyscrapers made of glass and steel “have…

Revolutionary approach to storing and using carbon, and the impressive effort it will take to achieve

With global emissions continuing unabated, climate change is proceeding at a startling pace. But a team…