New supernova explodes in a galaxy in Virgo

The nearly edge-on spiral galaxy NGC 4216 in the constellation Virgo lit up with a new…

Death Star moon Mimas has a hidden ocean

Mimas has an ocean! Wow! Queen Mary University of London originally published this announcement of an…

Did black holes come before galaxies at the beginning of time?

ChatGPT and Deborah Byrd created a 3-point summary for the longer article below: Astronomers thought the…

The universe may be younger than we thought

This computer simulation shows the large-scale structure in the early universe. A new study measured the…

Asteroid that exploded in German skies is rare aubrite

This is one of the meteorites – rocks from space – recovered from the asteroid that…

The moon is shrinking, causing moonquakes near planned Artemis landing sites

Check out this fault line on the moon. The moon is shrinking, causing moonquakes and faults…

Oldest-known black hole is eating its galaxy

View full image. | This image – captured by the Hubble Space Telescope in 2016 –…

SKA telescope 1st light! Milky Way core and more

A prototype antenna in the giant SKA telescope array has released this first light image. It’s…

Here’s what ‘habitable’ means to astronomers

Artist’s illustration of K2-18 b, an exoplanet that could be habitable. But what does habitable mean?…

Astronomers find smallest exoplanet yet with water vapor

View larger. | That blue arc at the top is an artist’s concept of a water…