Solstices and equinoxes in a video from space

Solstices and equinoxes The December solstice (winter for the Northern Hemisphere, summer for the Southern Hemisphere)…

Tiny brown dwarf is smallest found so far

View larger. | Artist’s concept of the brown dwarf known as 2MASS J22081363+2921215.66. Most brown dwarfs…

Apollo 8 Earthrise photo anniversary, December 24

The iconic “Earthrise” image of Earth appearing over the moon’s horizon as seen from the Apollo…

Watery plumes on Enceladus could hold signs of life

View larger/full image. | This is an artist’s rendering of the water vapor plumes at the…

Does Chiron have rings? Or ring mimics?

View larger. | This is an artist’s concept, created in Celestia, of the small solar system…

When our sun dies, what will happen to Earth?

When our sun dies, it’ll swell into a red giant. When the sun dies What does…

Can haze on water worlds aid in the search for life?

Artist’s concept of K2-18 b, an exoplanet 8.6 times more massive than Earth. It might be…

Dark cloud near Milky Way’s center is strangely quiet

The center of our Milky Way is crowded, with stars whipping around a black hole in…

Astronomers spot 1st giant stream of stars between galaxies

Watch a video about the Giant Coma Stream, a giant stream of stars. A giant stream…

Einstein’s gravity and quantum mechanics united at last?

This week, physicists at University College London announced – in 2 papers published simultaneously – a radical new…