Dark cloud near Milky Way’s center is strangely quiet

The center of our Milky Way is crowded, with stars whipping around a black hole in…

Astronomers spot 1st giant stream of stars between galaxies

Watch a video about the Giant Coma Stream, a giant stream of stars. A giant stream…

Einstein’s gravity and quantum mechanics united at last?

This week, physicists at University College London announced – in 2 papers published simultaneously – a radical new…

Rocky exoplanets can form in the most extreme environments

View larger. | This artist’s concept shows a protoplanetary disk, where planets form around their parent…

Could a giant void explain the universe’s expansion?

Do we live in a giant void? Scientists say it’s possible, and it could solve the…

1st planet-forming disk discovered in nearby galaxy

View larger. | Astronomers have found the 1st planet-forming disk outside our own Milky Way galaxy.…

What the Chinese Zhurong rover found beneath Mars’ surface

View larger. | The Tianwen-1 Remote Camera took this “selfie” image of the Zhurong rover and…

Mysterious 3200 Phaethon – parent to the Geminids – revealed!

Artist’s concept of asteroid 3200 Phaethon, which NASA sometimes calls a “rock comet.” Most asteroids are…

EarthSky’s lunar calendar: How to use this great gift!

As your can see, EarthSky’s lunar calendar shows the moon phases for each day of the…

Space Force to track ‘abnormal objects of unknown origin’

The U.S. Space Force tracks many different objects near Earth such as human-made debris, commercial satellites,…