Shrinking exoplanets? Here’s how it happens

View larger. | Artist’s concept of the sub-Neptune exoplanet called TOI-421 b. In a new study,…

How to see Earth’s shadow at sunrise and sunset

Learn how to see Earth’s shadow and the Belt of Venus in this video. Earth’s shadow…

Jupiter’s Great Red Spot is shrinking! See photos

View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Makrem Larnaout in Tunis, Tunisia, captured this image of Jupiter’s…

‘Bouncing comets’ could spread the seeds of life

Artist’s concept of comets orbiting a young star. A new study suggests that in some newly…

Betelgeuse will dim or disappear during asteroid pass

View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Sergei Timofeevski shared this image from November 13, 2023. Sergei…

Salt glaciers on Mercury could harbor habitable niches

View larger. | This enhanced-color image of Mercury comes from NASA’s MESSENGER spacecraft. The colors enhance…

Are Eris and Pluto very different on the inside?

Artist’s concept of the dwarf planet called Eris in our solar system’s Kuiper Belt, out past…

Mars spacecraft fall silent as red planet goes behind sun

Solar conjunction for Mars happened yesterday, November 18, 2023. That’s when Mars was most directly behind…

Edwin Hubble and the expanding universe

Edwin Hubble as a young man. It was then that he said, “If only I could…

The universe is expanding faster than theory predicts

The Webb space telescope’s deep field image shows a universe filled with sparkling galaxies. In modern…