Sentinel-1B satellite lowered onto Fregat upper stage

Sentinel-1B satellite lowered onto Fregat upper stage in preparation for the 22 April 2016 launch. This stage of…

Sentinel-1B satellite lowered onto Fregat upper stage

Sentinel-1B satellite lowered onto Fregat upper stage in preparation for the 22 April 2016 launch. This stage of…

Sentinel-1B satellite lowered onto Fregat upper stage

Sentinel-1B satellite lowered onto Fregat upper stage in preparation for the 22 April 2016 launch. This stage of…

Working as a Telecommunications Engineer in ECSAT

Gonzalo Martín-de-Mercado specialises in optical telecommunications. He speaks about how his academic background helps him to…

Irish mosaic

The Sentinel-1A satellite takes us over to Ireland, in this multi-temporal colour composite of land coverage…

Earth from Space: Irish mosaic

Earth from Space is presented by Malì Cecere from the ESA Web-TV virtual studios. The one…

Fly your satellite

Next 22 April, from Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana, a Soyuz rocket will launch Sentinel-1B for…

STEM careers in the classroom – Inflight call with Tim Peake

On Thursday 14 April, ESA astronaut Tim Peake connected live from space with teachers in Norway,…

Sentinel-2 captures Nansen fracture

Before the onset of winter and shorter daylight hours, Sentinel-2A captured a spectacular series of images…

Gaming the system

Technology image of the week: Clean Space's new board game helps educate engineers about the environmental…