Scientists have discovered one of the brightest and closest gamma ray bursts on record is also…

EL Nino drought affected by natural air polution

Scientists using NASA satellite data have found the most intense global pollution from fires occurred during…

Beagle-2 lander

The Beagle-2 lander, to be carried on ESA's Mars Express, is equipped with a suite of…

Space Station talks to School Students

US astronauts Don Pettit, KD5MDT, and Ken Bowersox, KD5JBP, handled separate Amateur Radio on the International…

Real Robotics Competition

NASA, with corporate and institutional partners, is sponsoring 280 student teams competing in the FIRST (For…

How far can a dentist’s drill go?

When ESA’s Mars Express reaches the Red Planet in December 2003, there will be a drill…


NASA and industry researchers are increasingly confident a pilot in a remote ground station can safely…

First European Node for the International Space Station ready

Node 2 will be formally delivered to the European Space Agency by ASI, the Italian Space…

ESA and NASDA complete successful data relay tests

Another successful inter-satellite link achieved with Artemis! After a world premiere laser link with Spot 4…

A fun way to learn about space

Find out more about space by playing ESA’s new online space game. Designed for students aged…