MSG-2 first image

This first image of the Earth acquired by the MSG-2 satellite was unveiled on 24 January.…

Satellite portrait of global Plant Growth

An ambitious ESA project to chart ten years in the life of the Earth’s vegetation has…

Discovery of new planet similar to Earth

An international team of astronomers has discovered a planet more similar to Earth than any found…

Predicting the weather on Titan

Using recent Cassini, Huygens and Earth-based observations, scientists have been able to create a computer model…


NASA’s Imager for Magnetopause-to-Aurora Global Exploration (IMAGE) satellite recently ceased operations, bringing to a close a…

Afghanistan from Space

Winter snow blankets the heights of the Pamir Mountains and the Hindu Kush in this Envisat…

XMM-Newton scores 1000

XMM-Newton, ESA’s X-ray observatory, continues its quest for the unknown. This month, after five years of…

Launch Result of MTSAT-2

Rocket System Corporation (RSC) and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) launched the Multi-functional Transport Satellite…

Spacecraft, heal thyself

Building spacecraft is a tough job. They are precision pieces of engineering that have to survive…

Space Propulsion Breakthrough

The European Space Agency and the Australian National University have successfully tested a new design of…