AFSPC 2010 Summer Picnic

1st Lt. Jonathan Simmons (left) of AFSPC/PAI launches the frisbee to teammate Mr. Anthony Roake (right)…

AFSPC 2010 Summer Picnic

Competition was spiking high on the volleyball court as directorates challenged each other to the top.…

AFSPC 2010 Summer Picnic

Volleyball sometimes becomes a full contact sport when teammates fail to call the ball. (U.S. Air…

AFSPC 2010 Summer Picnic

Two opposing team members attempt to out maneuver each other and score a goal for their…

AFSPC 2010 Summer Picnic

A fingertip catch by Maj Toni Tones AFSPC/PA (center) saved the day and prevented the opposing…

AFSPC 2010 Summer Picnic

Members of the AFSPC Top Three Enlisted organization barbecued hundreds of hot dogs and hamburger patties…

Discovery Inside VAB

Space shuttle Discovery now is inside the expansive confines of NASA Kennedy Space Center's Vehicle Assembly…

External coronagraph in space – Image

Credits: ESA

Shuttle Discovery on the move

Space Shuttle Discovery began its move from Kennedy Space Center's Orbiter Processing Facility-3 to the Vehicle…

Shuttle Discovery rollover planned for today

Shuttle Discovery is set to move from its processing hangar to the Vehicle Assembly Building today.…