Safety Office: School in session, drive safely

School is in session and fall is coming. Air Force safety officials want drivers to know…

Canadian astronaut shows knack for explaining space to earthlings

When a senior editor of the space website Universe Today had to address a group of…

Artist’s impression of a Soyuz liftoff in French Guiana – Image

Credits: ESA - D. Ducros

Discovery Ready for Wednesday Morning Move

Mounted atop a specialized transporter, space shuttle Discovery is all set for a short drive Wednesday…

Observation of concentrated heavy rain in Pakistan by AVNIR-2 onboard “Daichi” (6)

Mars500 video diary 6 – How supplies are rationed – Video

Credits: ESA, 2010

ESA-supported mobile telecom system receives top engineering award

A satellite-based mobile communication system developed by Inmarsat with ESA support has been awarded Britain’s top…

NASA Loves A Good Challenge-Not Business As Usual

NASA's pioneering use of prize competitions and innovation challenges is a dramatic departure from government's traditional…

NASA Scientists Talk About Asteroids Passing Near Earth Wednesday

Two asteroids will pass within the moon's distance from Earth on Wednesday, Sept. 8. NASA scientists…

Earl and Fiona

This image from the GOES-13 satellite, taken at 10:32 a.m. EDT on Sept. 3, shows a…