Deep fractures on Mars – Image

Credits: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin (G. Neukum)

Thomas Reiter shows a training model of the Columbus module – Image

Credits: ESA

Strait of Bonifacio – Image

Credits: ESA

NASA to Host Video Chat Showcasing SOFIA Science

NASA invites the public to join an online video chat about viewing the infrared universe with…

NASA’s Spaceward Bound Takes Teachers Across Desert

What on Earth are the clues NASA scientists use to help them deduce that there may…

Space Shuttle Endeavour to Launch No Earlier Than May 16 News Conference Scheduled for May 9

NASA managers have retargeted space shuttle Endeavour’s launch to no earlier than Monday, May 16.

Six NASA Astronauts – Including D.C. Native – Available For Interviews

The astronauts who flew aboard space shuttle Discovery's last flight will visit NASA Headquarters in Washington…

Six NASA Astronauts – Including D.C. Native – Available For Interviews

The astronauts who flew aboard space shuttle Discovery's last flight will visit NASA Headquarters in Washington…

Sunset Over South America

The Expedition 27 crew photographed this sunset over western South America from aboard the International Space…


Preparations are in full swing for the service introduction of Soyuz and Vega at Europe’s Spaceport…