Month: April 2013
From CERN to space
Proba-V is demonstrating a new radiation detector based on CERN technology
Proba-V carrying radiation detector from CERN to space
As ESA’s Proba-V minisatellite monitors terrestrial vegetation, it will also survey the space surrounding itself. A…
A changing fan
The Universe is rarely static, although the timescales involved can be very long. Since modern astronomical…
Facing Enceladus
This face-on colour view of Enceladus was taken by the international Cassini spacecraft on 31 January…
NASA Successfully Launches Three Smartphone Satellites
Three smartphones destined to become low-cost satellites rode to space Sunday aboard the maiden flight of…
NASA Successfully Launches Three Smartphone Satellites
Three smartphones destined to become low-cost satellites rode to space Sunday, April 21, aboard the maiden…
NASA’s Johnson Space Center, White Sands Earn EPA ‘Green’ Honors
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has recognized NASA's White Sands Test Facility in Las Cruces,…
Earth’s Vital Signs
NASA launched the Earth Observing System's flagship satellite "Terra," named for Earth, on December 18, 1999.…
Hot-Fire Tests Steering the Future of NASA'S Space Launch System Engines
Engineers developing NASA's next-generation rocket closed one chapter of testing with the completion of a J-2X…