Assembly completed: the Ariane 5 launcher for Flight VA218 receives its “upper composite”

Another Ariane 5 for launch by Arianespace has completed its initial build-up at the Spaceport, marking…

ASTRA 5B is delivered to the Spaceport’s Final Assembly Building for integration on its Ariane 5 launcher

The ASTRA 5B satellite, one of two passengers for Arianespace's next Ariane 5 mission, has been…

Assembly completed: the Ariane 5 launcher for Flight VA218 receives its “upper composite”

Another Ariane 5 for launch by Arianespace has completed its initial build-up at the Spaceport, marking…

ASTRA 5B is delivered to the Spaceport’s Final Assembly Building for integration on its Ariane 5 launcher

The ASTRA 5B satellite, one of two passengers for Arianespace's next Ariane 5 mission, has been…

Media Invited to Tour Ames Research Center with NASA Administrator

NASA Administrator Charles Bolden will visit the agency's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif., on…

NASA’s Latest Smartphone Satellite Ready for Launch

NASA's preparing to send its fifth in a series of smartphone-controlled small spacecraft into orbit.

How Did Life Arise? Fuel Cells May Have Answers

A new JPL-led study demonstrates a unique way to study the origins of life: fuel cells.

Cyber supports Red Flag like never before

Future Space Station Crew to Participate in NASA TV News Conference, Media Interviews

The crew of International Space Station Expedition 40/41, including NASA astronaut Reid Wiseman, will participate in…

NASA’s Operation IceBridge Begins New Arctic Campaign

Researchers aboard NASA's P-3 research aircraft left the agency's Wallops Flight Facility in Wallops Island, Va.,…