Microscopic particles returned from space might be alien visitors

Marcia Dunn CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — There may be itsy-bitsy aliens among us. Scientists say seven…

Microscopic particles returned from space might be alien visitors

Marcia Dunn CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — There may be itsy-bitsy aliens among us. Scientists say seven…

Microscopic particles returned from space might be alien visitors

Marcia Dunn CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — There may be itsy-bitsy aliens among us. Scientists say seven…

Microscopic particles returned from space might be alien visitors

Marcia Dunn CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — There may be itsy-bitsy aliens among us. Scientists say seven…

Microscopic particles returned from space might be alien visitors

Marcia Dunn CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — There may be itsy-bitsy aliens among us. Scientists say seven…

Ozone-Depleting Compound Persists, NASA Research Shows

NASA research shows Earth's atmosphere contains an unexpectedly large amount of an ozone-depleting compound from an…

NASA Announces Awards to Expand Informal STEM Education Network

NASA Announces Awards to Expand Informal STEM Education Network

Retreat of Yakutat Glacier

Located in the Brabazon Range of southeastern Alaska, Yakutat Glacier is one of the fastest retreating…

Media Day at Wallops for NASA Hurricane Airborne Mission

As the Atlantic Ocean's hurricane season hits its peak, media are invited to visit NASA's latest…

Comet on 19 August 2014 – NavCam

Rosetta navigation camera image taken on 19 August 2014 at about 79 km from comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.…