Controlling robots

What is the best way to control a robot from afar as you circle a planet…

Controlling robots

What is the best way to control a robot from afar as you circle a planet…

Capacitor withstands temperatures of up to 300 degrees Celsius

Heat, dust and moisture damage electronic components. Protecting against dust and moisture is fairly straightforward, but…

The progress toward sustainability

The integration of economic development, modern management and environmental protection created the field of sustainability management.…

Designed molecules selectively remove unwanted ions from complex solutions for energy production

Nuclear energy accounts for some 19 percent of the U.S. electrical energy supply. The waste contains…

High-sensitivity microwave amplifier detects very weak signals

In the coming years, the European Space Agency (ESA) will be launching a series of new…

Observations of Large-Amplitude, Parallel, Electrostatic Waves Associated with the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability by the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission

Abstract: On 8 September 2015, the four Magnetospheric Multiscale spacecraft encountered a Kelvin-Helmholtz unstable magnetopause near…

Fast and accurate infrared 3-D scanner

Infrared 3-D scanners have been used in video games for quite some time. Whereas in video…

Sodium and magnesium to replace lithium in batteries

Scientists supported by the SNSF have produced novel electrolytes for rechargeable sodium and magnesium batteries. The…

Study of the Spacecraft Potential Under Active Control and Plasma Density Estimates During the MMS Commissioning Phase

Abstract: Each spacecraft of the recently launched magnetospheric multiscale MMS mission is equipped with Active Spacecraft…