Biological sensor can detect glucose levels in saliva more accurately and cost-efficiently than blood test

Diabetes is a metabolic disease defined by high blood sugar levels, and can affect organs such…

Fast Plasma Investigation for Magnetospheric Multiscale

Abstract: The Fast Plasma Investigation (FPI) was developed for flight on the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission…

Researchers find evidence of traffic pollution in remote Himalaya

Smog from cars and trucks is an expected health hazard in big cities, but researchers from…

MMS Observations of Ion-Scale Magnetic Island in the Magnetosheath Turbulent Plasma

Abstract: In this letter, first observations of ion-scale magnetic island from the Magnetospheric Multiscale mission in…

Analysis of 14 million Arab Spring tweets reveals normal people drive huge movements

The massive Arab Spring protests that began in late December 2010 and spread from North Africa…

Collaboration yields promising innovation in stain resistance

When you spill pasta sauce on your favorite shirt but there is no trace of it…

Food ingredient blends more sensitive to climate change, study finds

A recent Purdue study, featured on the cover of the May edition of the Journal of…

Cassini ran through the ‘big empty’

Nasa says its Saturn probe encountered very few particles in its dive inside the rings last…

Researchers find more efficient way to make oil from dead trees

The mountain pine beetle has destroyed more than 40 million acres of forest in the western…

Trans-Pacific journey of atmospheric particles

Puzzling skiers, occasional brownish-yellow plumes waft over Colorado ski resorts during winter and spring. Instead of…