Electron Dynamics in a Subproton-Gyroscale Magnetic Hole

Abstract: Magnetic holes are ubiquitous in space plasmas, occurring in the solar wind, downstream of planetary…

Prebiotic Chemistry and Atmospheric Warming of Early Earth by an Active Young Sun

Abstract: Nitrogen is a critical ingredient of complex biological molecules. Molecular nitrogen, however, which was outgassed…

Risk-Significant Adverse Condition Awareness Strengthens Assurance of Fault Management Systems

Abstract: As spaceflight systems increase in complexity, Fault Management (FM) systems are ranked high in risk-based…

EU police operation targets extremists’ online propaganda

THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) -- The European Union's law enforcement agency says it has coordinated a…

Overcoming Opioids: When pills are a hospital’s last resort

BALTIMORE (AP) -- A car crash shattered Stuart Anders' thigh, leaving pieces of bone sticking through…

Installation Torque Tables for Noncritical Applications

Abstract: The objective of this project is to define torque values for bolts and screws when…

Cometary Dust: The Diversity of Primitive Matter

Abstract: The connections between comet dust and primitive chondrites from asteroids has strengthened considerably over the…

Evaluation of VIIRS and MODIS Thermal Emissive Band Calibration Stability Using Ground Target

Abstract: The S-NPP Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) instrument, a polar orbiting Earth remote sensing…

The Complex Circumnuclear Environment of the Broad-Line Radio Galaxy 3C 390.3 Revealed by Chandra HETG

Abstract: We present the first high spectral resolution X-ray observation of the broad-line radio galaxy 3C…

New lease of life for Ukraine’s war-torn mountain observatory

Perched spectacularly 2,000 metres up on a snowcapped peak in Ukraine's Carpathian Mountains, the Bilyi Slon…